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Reena has a variety of industry reports, presentations and white papers on all aspects of inclusion, developmental disabilities and more. Access our Education Centre to review and expand your knowledge.

Each location is staffed with a full complement of well-trained professionals. The needs of individuals with developmental disabilities vary from supervised independent living to 24-hour-a-day care. Some Reena locations which cater to individuals with specific needs have been named in honour of families that have helped us build the homes.
The residences are designed to be an intentional community where tenants who have chosen to live in the building and the agencies supporting them are committed to creating one community of support. While elements and units may be led or dedicated to servicing a subset of tenants, all are part of one community. This approach to community is intended to reduce stigma and separation amongst tenants, the staff and volunteers who share in their lives.
32 Group Homes including specialized homes for vulnerable women, seniors and people with complex behavioural challenges.
Contact Us140 Supported independent living units.
Contact UsReena has a variety of industry reports, presentations and white papers on all aspects of inclusion, developmental disabilities and more. Access our Education Centre to review and expand your knowledge.