Dear Joanna,
I’ve learned about Artificial Intelligence (AI) from the Reena job coaches who explained how AI helps people in their job search and at the workplace. I understand that AI enables computers to think and act like humans and can perform all kinds of tasks. Please can you provide any advice on how I can best put AI to use to help me find a job!

Signed: AI Novice

Dear AI-N,
What a great question! After researching this topic, I will refer the following two blogs that provide information on using AI in your job search — / and . Did you know that a recent survey reported that many job seekers are using AI to optimize their resumes, cover letters and job applications online!
There are four (4) ways in which AI can help you with your job search:

  1. Leverage AI Job-Matching. One of the most common uses of AI is the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) used by recruiters to pre-screen and select candidates to interview. The more you understand how an ATS works, the better you’ll be able to optimize your resume and cover letter so the ATS captures your application for the recruiter. Another way to leverage AI on a job search board is by uploading your resume and filling out your profile and using the key words in the job posting. This software allows recruiters to scan algorithms to sort through thousands of resumes quickly, allowing then to select candidates for the job interview who seem the most qualified for the position.
  2. Consider AI Resume-Writing and Cover Letter Assistance. Check out new chat features in online writing programs that help you communicate your skills, experience and qualifications in the documents. You can use ChatGPT, Rezi and KickResume to help you create resumes and cover letters from start to finish. They may suggest more effective keyword placement or rate your resume against a job posting. AI-powered feedback can also help you correct grammar, spelling and typo errors. Here’s an example of a ChatGPT prompt used to help this job seeker create a resume:
    “I’m applying for my first job as a data entry clerk. Please write me a bullet point for my resume that indicates that I completed an Excel spreadsheet on {add in assignment name] where I entered in the numbers accurately and quickly”. Here’s what ChatGPT suggested bullet to add in the resume under the job placement: :
    “Ensured accurate and updated data entries for spreadsheets that demonstrated proficiency and efficiency using Excel.
  3. Use AI for Interview Preparation. If you are struggling to prepare responses for common interview questions, you can utilize AI as a research tool. As with the resume and cover letter above, plug in the question and explanation of your relevant work or experience. For example, you might ask one of the new AI Chat bots to help you translate job skills from your previous career to your new target career.
  4. Be honest. AI is meant to be an aid in job searches—not a replacement for the hard work of finding a job. While it can streamline the process and provide invaluable advice, only you can communicate that a job is the perfect fit for you. It’s important to note that you shouldn’t use AI to exaggerate your strengths or create false narratives. No matter how well-worded your resume is, you’ll need to back up those claims in the job interview. The best way to use AI for your job search is to ensure it enhances the truth. AI can provide you with insights and guidance that will help you
    But when it comes to landing your next job, AI is a great resource and tool. But, AI can’t replicate or replace you. You will still need to bring your own skills, education, and experiences to all parts of your job search.
    To submit your challenges, concerns, questions and comments regarding this column and/or your job search IN CONFIDENCE, please email Joanna Samuels, Employment Resource Supervisor, Reena –