What an incredible journey it has been! 🌟 As our dissemination tour ends, we’re grateful for the amazing individuals and organizations across Alberta, Saskatchewan, Nova Scotia, and PEI who have welcomed us with open arms.

A special shout-out to Shawna Stewart from Vecova, Tamara Jackson from Chip and Dale Homes Inc., Lora Church from NSRAA, and Nancy A. Anderson from Inclusion East Inc. for their exceptional hospitality. 🤝

Your collaboration has sparked meaningful conversations and united diverse sectors to enhance our understanding and approach to developmental services and health care.

The Charlottetown event was a landmark moment, and we’re thrilled to introduce the new #Dementia Guide, a resource that promises to make a significant impact.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to work towards our mission of inclusion and support. #Inclusion

Access the Dementia Strategy Project here: Dementia Strategy Project – Reena

Together, we’re making a difference! 💙