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Dear Joanna
I would like to work, but remain at home and safe during COVID19’s lockdown. I am participating in Reena’s Channels virtual community/employment program and would like to start applying for jobs. Can you help me identify the types of work situations available and which ones would be best for me to focus on during this pandemic?
Signed: Lots of Options

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Dear Options,
In addition to the standard part-time and full-time jobs that we all know about, there are other models of working to consider in your job search. I will leave it up to you to decide which arrangement works best for you and I would consult with your Channels’ job coaches to best guide you through this process.
Consider these different models sourced from https://www.burning-glass.com/research-project/hybrid-jobs/ and https://www.thebalancecareers.com/hybrid-jobs-and-the-hybrid-skills-candidates-need-most-4586497
- The Hybrid Job Arrangement: The hybridization of jobs are transforming the job market and the job descriptions as well as changing what employers look for in employees. Also, technology plays a huge role in the job including the traditionally non-technical positions. All employees now need to learn Zoom or a similar platform as this virtual communication platform has become an important tool of the modern workplace. Now employers look for administrative assistants who have hybrid skills – in addition to the typical office support tasks, employers want candidates to have social media skills, and designing presentations. Being able to write, communicate with different department staff through different technology is required. And they want employees to be “highly hybridized” (Burningglass.com) – creative, collaborative, good problem solving skills creativity, persuasion, collaboration, adaptability, and time management.
- The Gig Economy or Project-Based Work: This type of arrangement is typically a contract or assignment and has many names. It gets its name from each piece of work being an “individual gig”. It is bits and pieces of work. For example, making deliveries, assembly work, cleaning homes. It’s also know as the “platform economy”.
- Fixed-Term Contracts: This is a task-based contract temporary employment arrangement between one employer and one employee with a deadline or a pre-specified event to end the contract. This type of work arrangement has always existed in the labour market. Sometimes candidates who are hired in this way replace absent employees or it’s a way for employers to evaluate a newly hired employee before offering him or her a permanent position or long term contract. Some workers choose to be employed through this temporary job because they might be in school or have other responsibilities that keep them from committing to long term employment. It’s a great way to get your foot in the door or determine if this is a good job match for you or if this is a suitable career choice for you.
- Casual Work. This work arrangement is short term or on an occasional and intermittent basis (as-need), often for a specific number of hours, days or weeks, in return for a wage set by the terms of the daily or periodic work agreement. It can be jobs associated with the “on-demand” or “gig economy”.
- Temporary Work: Temporary employment, whereby workers are engaged only for a specific period of time, includes fixed-term, project- or task-based contracts, as well as seasonal or casual work, including day labour. Staffing agencies offer this type of arrangement. Again, as mentioned above, these are great strategies to prove yourself to an employer, see if the career/industry is suitable for your goals and get your foot in the door. You never know when a temp position can lead to permanent full time!
- Remote jobs: Working from home has become the most popular work arrangement during COVID19. And I can speculate that this arrangement could become the new normal. There are plenty of job sites that present positions to apply for where you can work from home. Here are some sites to consider: flexjobs.com, www.remote.com plus all online job boards like Glassdoor, Charity Village, Indeed, LinkedIn offer job opportunities that you can work remotely. Just type in “working from home jobs [your location] and you will see a list of working from home jobs.
To submit your questions and comments to this column IN CONFIDENCE, please email jsamuels@reena.org