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At the heart of the Ontario Partnership on Aging and Developmental Disabilities (OPADD) lies a network of regional committees committed to addressing the unique needs of individuals with developmental disabilities as they age.

These committees play a pivotal role in driving the mission of OPADD, ensuring equitable access to support services and enhancing the quality of life for older adults with developmental disabilities. Join us on this journey as we explore the invaluable contributions and achievements of these regional committees within the Reena-led OPADD initiative.

Toronto Region Committee on Aging & Developmental Disabilities
(Toronto Partnership on Aging and Developmental Disabilities – TPADD)


James Sejjengo,
Director of Services,
(905) 889.6484 x2045

Joanne Meade,
Manager Programs and Services, Cummer Lodge
(416) 392.9486

Central East Region Committee on Aging and Developmental Disabilities


Sandy Stemp,
Chief Operations Officer,
(905) 889.6484 x2227

Cindy Dodd,
Senior Manager, Client Services – Community,
Cummer Lodge
(905) 895.1334 x5018

South Central Region Committee on Aging and Developmental Disabilities


Deanna Finch-Smith,
Executive Director,
Salvation Army
Lawson Ministries Hamilton

(905) 527.6212

Donna Marcaccio,
Executive Director,
Rygiel Supports for Community Living
(905) 525.4311

South East Region Committee on Aging and Developmental Disabilities
(Aging, Developmental Disabilities and Mental Health Conference Planning Committee of South East Region)


Alexandra Conant,
Providence Care
(613) 530.2400

Things We Have Done:

  • Since 2007 Providence Care’s Dual Diagnosis Consultation Outreach Team has been in collaboration with the Community Network of Specialized Care to provide education events in South Eastern Ontario about Aging and Developmental Disabilities. The goal of this partnership is to build links between Developmental Services, Mental Health and Addictions, Long Term Care and Community Care for seniors who are aging with a developmental disability
  • Continual education opportunities through the Community Networks of Specialized Care either in-person or through video conference. Most sessions are archived and available on the network’s website at: http://www.community-networks.ca/
  • Held one-day educational workshops called, “Aging and Developmental Disabilities” at various locations, including in Picton and Kingston. Resources and information was provided about considerations and concerns about this aging population
  • Provided Lunch and Learn educational sessions to SEO CCAC case managers on Monday, April 7th and Monday, April 14th, 2014
  • Created educational handouts for healthcare workers provided quick tips about working with individuals with a developmental disability. Handout topics include: background and introduction to developmental disabilities, communication tips, challenging behaviour, sensory impairment/overload, gastrointestinal concerns, swallowing, pain, consent, dementia, and person-centred care.


Lanark and North Grenville Region Committee on Aging and Developmental Disabilities


Mike Coxon,
Mills Community Support Association
(613) 256.1031 x26

Central Region Committee on Aging and Developmental Disabilities


Paula Frappier B.Sc.O.T. OT Reg (Ont)
Geropsychiatry Community Education Coordinator,
Homewood Health Centre
519-824-1010 ext. 32145

Brenda Van Houtven
Human Resources Director
Parents for Community Living

519-742-5849 x 102


Additional Resources available on The Central Region Partnership on Aging and Developmental Disabilities.



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