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Advocacy Centre for the Elderly (ACE)

Provides direct legal services, public legal education, and engages in law reform activities in areas of law of special importance to the seniors’ population.

Canadian Association on Gerontology (CAG)

A national, multidisciplinary scientific and educational association established to provide leadership in matters related to the aging population.

Canadian Association on Gerontology – Policy Statements and Issue Papers

Includes information on assistive devices, health promotion, mental health, seniors and prescription drugs, home care, older women’s health issues and pensions.

Canadian Association of Retired Persons (CARP) 

This official site of Canada’s Association for the Fifty Plus contains useful information related to retirement, pensions, health issues.

Canadian Centre for Activity and Aging

The Canadian Centre for Activity and Aging (CCAA) is Canada’s leader in current research and program development for improved physical ability and healthy aging for older adults.

Canadian Institutes of Health Research – Institute of Aging

Provides access to a range of research information.

Division of Aging and Seniors – Public Health Agency of Canada

Provides links to many resources on aging, an A to Z directory of topics on aging and links to papers of the National Council on Aging.

Ontario Gerontology Association / ontarienne de gérontologie (OGA)

An incorporated voluntary organization concerned with aging, thereby promoting quality of life for older adults. Its membership provides an inter-disciplinary forum for those involved in the field of gerontology.

Ontario Science Centre – The Amazing Aging Machine

Provides information on why people age, changes in the senses associated with aging, changes in cells of the body, premature aging and shows how the face changes as people grow older.

National Advisory Council on Aging (NACA) – Home Page

Access to information on NACA including Mission, council members, newsletters, reports, and how NACA contributes to a national dialogue on aging.

Psychogeriatric Resource Consultation Program of Toronto

A variety of resources on psychogeriatric care including links to consultants.

Regional Geriatric Programs of Ontario

Provides information and links to Regional Geriatric Programs across Ontario, health information, databases and online journals.

Retire Ware Retirement Planning

Provides a variety of information on retirement planning including how to apply for Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security Benefits.

Seniors Health Research Transfer Network (SHRTN)

SHRTN is a province-wide knowledge exchange network of people involved in seniors’ health care. SHRTN brings together researchers, policymakers and caregivers to share tacit and explicit knowledge. This exchange is enabled and facilitated by educators, libraries, members of the SHRTN Communities and Practice and the SHRTN champions.

Seniors Policies and Programs Database

A listing of 76 provincial and federal programs and services available to older adults; site features an internal search engine, list includes a summary description of the program and identification of which government is responsible; visitor can read and download information booklets and program descriptions.

The Canadian Women’s Health Network

Includes links to the Network’s publications and Journal as well as a comprehensive list of health-related web sites for women; includes links to French language resources.

The Centre on Aging, University of Manitoba

Established on July 1, 1982, with a mandate to serve as a focal point for the conduct of research on aging. The Centre has developed a national and international reputation for research excellence.


American Society on Aging (ASA)

An association of diverse individuals bound by a common goal: to support the commitment and enhance the knowledge and skills of those who seek to improve the quality of life of older adults and their families. Many resources available on website.

The Gerontological Society of America

A non-profit professional organization with more than 5000 members in the field of aging. GSA provides researchers, educators, practitioners, and policy makers with opportunities to understand, advance, integrate, and use basic and applied research on aging to improve the quality of life as one ages.

International Association of Gerontology

Its objectives are to promote: gerontological research, training in the field of aging, and the interests of gerontological organizations in international affairs.

Tardive Dyskinesia Center

Provides educational information on tardive dyskinesia, a disease that has a higher risk of developing amongst the elderly concluded by the FDA.