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Additional Resources
Reena has a variety of industry reports, presentations and white papers on all aspects of inclusion, developmental disabilities and more. Access our Education Centre to review and expand your knowledge.

Meaningful programs & activities tailored to individuals.
Learn MoreAt Reena, our commitment to enriching lives goes beyond our mission – it’s our core philosophy. We take pride in offering a wide range of programs and services that cater to the unique needs of over 1,000 individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. Our comprehensive approach addresses various aspects of life, promoting inclusion, support, and overall well-being.
The intake process to these programs is now handled through the Developmental Services Ontario (DSO) offices. If your family member would like to apply for government-funded residential or day services, or for Passport funding and is 16 years of age and older, please contact the DSO office in your region.
Surrey Place Centre Developmental Services
(855) 372.3858
York Support Services Network
(855) 277.2121
Pour obtenir des renseignements sur les services en français offerts aux adultes ayant une déficience intellectuelle à Toronto, veuillez communiquer avec:
Services de l’Ontario pour les personnes ayant une déficience intellectuelle
Sans frais : 1 855 DS-ADULT (1 855 372-3858)
ATS : 416 925-0295
Télécopieur : 416 925-5645
Courriel :
Site Web :
Adresse postale : 2 Surrey Place Toronto Ontario, M5S 2C2
Reena has a variety of industry reports, presentations and white papers on all aspects of inclusion, developmental disabilities and more. Access our Education Centre to review and expand your knowledge.