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Your support helps us fund transformational housing projects and vital programs including Day, Respite and Employment.

Includes: Reena employees involved with ordering goods and services (hereby referred to as staff)
Excludes: Contracted service providers, volunteers and students and Reena employees who are not involved with ordering goods and services
Goods and services means any goods, construction and services, including but not limited to IT and consulting services.
Reena will ensure that goods and services are acquired through a process that is open, fair and transparent. This policy provides a framework and mandatory requirements for sourcing, contracting and purchasing activities including approval segregation and limits, competitive and non-competitive procurement, conflict of interest and contract awarding.
Reena management will ensure the segregation of at least three of the five functional procurement roles: Requisition, Budgeting, Commitment, Receipt and Payment. Responsibilities for these roles must lie with different departments or, at a minimum, with different staff at Reena.
Property Management Staff may from time to time purchase MRO (Maintenance, Repair, Operations) items directly for use in MRO requirements and subjected to the following conditions.
1. All purchase of excepted items may be made with the use of Reena approved and provided cards for payments and/or on accounts set up with designated suppliers.
2. ONLY Original receipts or Invoices (No Photo Copies unless approved by the Procurement Manager or designate) and “MUST” bear or make reference to a “WORK ORDER” “JOB REQUEST” or “OTS NUMBER” for the specific MRO or JOB for which the supplies was purchased for will be accepted for processing for payment.
3. All Invoices and or receipts “MUST” be approved by the Property Supervisor/Manager or designate to validate the purchase and receipt requirement.
All submitted Invoices and/or receipts provided will receive an additional level of review by the Procurement Manager or designate prior to processing for payment
Managers up but not including 5,000 (With the exception of the Procurement Manager or his designate)
Executive Management Leads up to but not including $25,000 with certain exceptions after consultation/advice of the Procurement Manager or on the execution of contracts/agreements as a result of competitive bids
Reena has established an approval authority schedule (AAS) for procurement of goods and non-consulting services. This identifies, for each of the functional procurement roles identified in the Segregation of Duties Section, authorities that are allowed to approve procurements for different dollar thresholds, as approved by the Board.
Prior to commencement, any procurement of goods and non-consulting services will be approved by an appropriate authority in accordance with the AAS.
Prior to commencement, any non-competitive procurement of goods or non-consulting services must be approved by an authority one level higher than the AAS requirements for competitive procurement.
Prior to commencement, any procurement of consulting services must be approved in accordance with the Procurement Approval Authority Schedule for Consulting Services below.
Invitational Competitive | $0 up to but not including $100,000 | See AAS Schedule | |
Open Competitive | Any value | See AAS Schedule | |
Non-competitive* | $0 up to but not including $1,000,000 | President, CEO or Designate by Sole Source Waivers | |
$1,000,000 or more | Board of Directors by Sole Source Waivers |
Staff must not reduce the overall value of procurement (e.g., dividing a single procurement into multiple procurements) in order to circumvent the approval requirements of the AAS or the Procurement AAS for Consulting Services.
Reena will conduct an open competitive procurement process where the estimated value of procurement of goods or services is $100,000 or more. The exemptions must be in accordance with the applicable trade agreements. Reena will competitively procure consulting services irrespective of value. The exemptions must be in accordance with the applicable trade agreements.
Means of Procurement |
$0 up to but not including $100 |
Petty cash | Recommended |
$100 up to but not including $3,000 | Procurement card (P-card) |
Recommended only after consultation/advice of Procurement department Staff |
$3,000 up to but not including $10,000 | Purchase order | Required |
$10,000 up to but not including $100,000 | Invitational competitive procurement (minimum of three suppliers are invited to submit a bid) | Required |
$100,000 or more | Open competitive process | Required |
Consulting Services |
Means of Procurement |
$0 up to but not including $100,000 |
Invitational or open competitive process | Required |
$100,000 or more | Open competitive process | Required |
Staff must not reduce the overall value of procurement (e.g., dividing a single procurement into multiple procurements) in order to circumvent competitive procurement thresholds.
Where results of informal supplier or product research are insufficient, formal processes such as a Request for Information (RFI) or Request for Expression of Interest (RFEI) may be used if warranted, taking into consideration the time and effort required to conduct them. A response to RFI or RFEI must not be used to pre-qualify a potential supplier and must not be used to influence the chances of the participating suppliers from becoming the successful proponent in any future or subsequent opportunity.
The Request for Supplier Qualification (RFSQ) enables Reena to gather information about supplier capabilities and qualifications in order to pre-qualify suppliers for an immediate product or service needed or to identify qualified candidates in advance of expected future competitions.
Terms and conditions of the RFSQ document must contain language that disclaims any obligation of Reena to call on any supplier to provide goods or services as a result of pre-qualification.
Calls for open competitive procurements must be made through an electronic tendering system that is readily accessible to all Canadian suppliers.
Reena will provide suppliers a minimum response time of 15 calendar days for procurement and/or supply of goods and services valued at $100,000 or more.
Reena will consider providing suppliers a minimum response time of 30 calendar days for procurements of high complexity, risk, and/or dollar value. Schedule and time line will be outlined and included in the formal bid request document that will be posted.
Bid submission date and closing time must be clearly stated in the competitive procurement documents. The clock to be used will be located in the Procurement Office and the format for compliance will be EST (Eastern Standard Time reflective of 00.00.00). Reena will set the closing date and time of a competitive procurement process on a normal working day (Monday to Friday, excluding provincial and national holidays, Jewish holidays). Submissions that are delivered or received after the closing date and time will not be accepted and be returned unopened by registered mail or trackable courier delivery.
Evaluation criteria will be developed, reviewed and approved by the appropriate lead staff at the commencement of the competitive procurement process. Competitive procurement documents must clearly outline mandatory, rated, and other criteria that will be used to evaluate submissions, including weight of each criterion.
Mandatory criteria (e.g., technical standards) should be kept to a minimum to ensure that no bid is unnecessarily disqualified. Maximum justifiable weighting must be allocated to the price/cost component of the evaluation criteria.
All criteria must comply with Non-discrimination (of the Directive) Section below.
The evaluation criteria are to be altered only by means of addendum to the competitive procurement documents.
Reena may request suppliers to provide alternative strategies or solutions as a part of their submission. Criteria to evaluate alternative strategies or solutions will be put in place prior to commencement of the competitive procurement process. Alternative strategies or solutions must not be considered unless they are explicitly requested in the competitive procurement documents.
Competitive procurement documents must fully disclose the evaluation methodology and process to be used in assessing submissions, including the method of resolving tie score. Competitive procurement documents must state that submissions that do not meet the mandatory criteria will be disqualified.
Each competitive procurement processes will require an evaluation team responsible for reviewing and rating the compliant bids.
The evaluation team members will be made aware of the restrictions related to utilization and distribution of confidential and commercially sensitive information collected through the competitive procurement process and refrain from engaging in activities that may create or appear to create a conflict of interest. Evaluation team members will be required to sign a conflict-of-interest declaration and non-disclosure of confidential information agreement.
Each evaluation team member must complete an evaluation matrix, rating each of the submissions. Records of evaluation scores must be retained for audit purposes. Evaluators must ensure that everything they say or write about submissions is fair, factual, and fully defensible.
The submission that receives the highest evaluation score and meets all mandatory requirements set out in the competitive procurement document must be declared the winning bid.
Reena will not discriminate or give preferential treatment in awarding a contract to a supplier as a result of a competitive procurement process for which the supplier was not the winning bidder.
The agreement between Reena and the successful supplier must be formally defined in a signed written contract and/or agreement (sometimes referred to as Contract A) before the provision of supplying goods and/or services commences.
Where an immediate need exists for goods or services, and Reena and the supplier are unable to finalize the contract as described above, an interim purchase order may be used. The justification of such decision must be documented and approved by an appropriate delegated authority or a waiver document to indicate the reason for the delegation to undertake the purchase.
The contract must be finalized using the form of agreement that was released with the procurement documents (normally referred to Contract A). In circumstances where an alternative procurement strategy has been used (i.e., a form of agreement was not released with the procurement document), the agreement between Reena and the successful supplier must be defined formally in a signed written contract before the provision of supplying goods or services commences.
The jurisdiction for all contracts/agreements entered into will be governed by the Laws of Ontario.
All contracts must include appropriate cancellation or termination clauses and where needed the use of contract clauses that permit cancellation or termination at critical project life-cycle stages.
Reena, where needed, will seek legal advice on the development of such clauses.
The term of the agreement and any options to extend the agreement must be set out in the competitive procurement documents. An approval by an appropriate or delegated authority must be obtained before executing any modifications to the term of agreement. Extending the term of agreement beyond that which is set out in the competitive procurement document will amount to a non-competitive procurement where the extension affects the value and/or stated deliverables of procurement of the goods or service.
For contract award notification of all procurement of goods and/or services valued at $100,000 or more, Reena will post, in the same manner as the procurement documents were posted. The notification must be posted after the agreement/contract between the successful supplier and the Organization was executed. Contract award notification should list the name of the successful supplier, agreement start and end dates, and any extension options.
For procurements valued at $100,000 or more, Reena will inform all unsuccessful suppliers about their entitlement to a debriefing.
Reena will allow unsuccessful suppliers 60 calendar days following the date of the contract award notification to request a debriefing.
Reena will employ a competitive procurement process to achieve optimum value for money. It is recognized, however, that special circumstances may require Reena to use non-competitive procurement.
The purpose of this policy is to establish the requirements for:
This policy applies to Reena employees who have access to a Procurement card.
Cards will only be issued to employees if authorized by their superior. The spending limit is set at a default amount of $1,000.00 per month, which must be approved by the employee’s supervisor. Any changes in spending limit must be approved by the supervisor. Employees are expected to read, sign and abide by the Employee Agreement Form before they receive their card.
Although the card is issued in the individual’s name, it remains the property of Reena and must only be used for Reena purchases. The employee is responsible for the card’s security and the transactions made with the card. The card can be used at any vendor or merchant that accepts Visa and is in an approved Merchant Category Code. Card charges may be audited and/or cancelled at any time.
If a transaction is denied, the employee is expected to contact the issuing bank’s customer service, using the toll-free number on the back of the card. The employee should be prepared to provide the merchant’s name, date, dollar amount, and approximate time of the attempted purchase. The issuing bank will investigate the denial, and provide a report to the employee, as required.
The employee is responsible for obtaining a detailed receipt for all transactions. A credit card statement is not acceptable. Receipts must be attached to the monthly statement. Personal meals may only be charged while in approved travel status and the receipt must be attached to the travel voucher.
The monthly statement itemizes all card transactions during the previous billing cycle. The employee must verify all transactions, sign and date the statement. The employee’s supervisor must review and approve all transactions and sign the statement before forwarding it to the accounting office. Statements will be filed and retained according to the agency’s policies and procedures.
The employee must contact the vendor to resolve any errors or charges not recognized. If the vendor agrees that an error has occurred, the account must be credited. The disputed transaction would be identified on the statement as a reminder that the item is pending a resolution.
If the vendor does not agree that an error has been made, the employee must contact the issuing bank and identify the disputed charge. A disputed transaction must be identified and submitted to the Vendor using the Cardholder Dispute Form (attached), within 60 days of the transaction date.
The amount due on the next monthly statement will be reduced by the amount of the disputed item until the transaction dispute is resolved. If a dispute is not submitted in writing within 60 days of the transaction date, the agency is responsible for resolving the dispute with the vendor or paying for the disputed item.
The card company must be notified immediately if a card is lost or stolen.
Consequences for violations of this policy include, but are not limited to: cancellation of Procurement Card privileges, reimbursement for any improper use, disciplinary action up to and including termination, and/or possible criminal charges.
Reena-owned vehicles are used to provide transportation for individuals for approved budgeted outings and appointments.
To ensure accountability and transparency and to safeguard taxpayers dollars in compliance with MCSS requirements, this policy establishes the requirements for managing and using gas cards for efficient and cost-effective fuel purchases when conducting company business.
This policy applies to all Reena employees who operate company-owned vehicles.
A. Reena Residences must:
B. Authorized Reena Departments or Residences will:
C. Employees authorized to use gas cards must:
D. Supervisors of authorized employees must:
Review and approve monthly fuel card transactions for each authorized employee under their supervision and ensure that use of fuel card is consistent with the employees’ work assignments.
The authorizing official may submit a request for an exception to any part of this policy to the Reena Finance and Purchasing Department. The Reena Finance and Purchasing Department will determine if an exception is granted based on the following criteria:
Each Reena Residence is responsible for policy enforcement and investigating all alleged violations and complaints. Residential Supervisors will take appropriate disciplinary action including, but not limited to, cancellation of an employee’s fuel card privileges, termination and/or possible criminal charges. It is the responsibility of the Residential Supervisor to notify Reena Purchasing if any violations have occurred. Reena Purchasing reserves the right to take any action necessary if a violation is suspect.
For questions about this policy, contact Reena Purchasing Department at: 905-763-8254 Ext. 3049.
Employee Signature | Authorizing Official’s Signature | |
Employee Printed Name | Authorizing Official Printed Name | |
Date | Date |
Goal: To ensure an ethical, professional and accountable BPS supply chain.
I. Personal Integrity and Professionalism
Individuals involved with Supply Chain Activities must act, and be seen to act, with
integrity and professionalism. Honesty, care and due diligence must be integral to all
Supply Chain Activities within and between BPS organizations, suppliers and other
stakeholders. Respect must be demonstrated for each other and for the environment.
Confidential information must be safeguarded. Participants must not engage in any
activity that may create, or appear to create, a conflict of interest, such as accepting gifts or favours, providing preferential treatment, or publicly endorsing suppliers or products.
II. Accountability and Transparency
Supply Chain Activities must be open and accountable. In particular, contracting and
purchasing activities must be fair, transparent and conducted with a view to obtaining the best value for public money. All participants must ensure that public sector resources are used in a responsible, efficient and effective manner.
III. Compliance and Continuous Improvement
Individuals involved with purchasing or other Supply Chain Activities must comply with this Code of Ethics and the laws of Canada and Ontario. Individuals should continuously work to improve supply chain policies and procedures, to improve their supply chain knowledge and skill levels, and to share leading practices.
Your support helps us fund transformational housing projects and vital programs including Day, Respite and Employment.