
Reena is a non-profit organization that promotes dignity, individuality, independence, personal growth and community inclusion for people with diverse abilities within a framework of Jewish culture and values.


As a community-based organization, our values are rooted in a framework of Judaic principles. Within this context, Reena recognizes the importance of providing support to individuals of all faiths to enable them to remain connected to their roots, culture and heritage.

Our values are CLEAR:

Care – Chesed VeTzedek – Compassion and Justice
Leadership – Tikun Olam – Repair the World
Empowerment – V’ahavta L’reacha Kamocha – Value Others as You Value Yourself
Accessibility – Lifnei Iver Lo Teeten Michshol – Remove Barriers
Respect – Kvod Habriyot – Honour Our Humanity

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Reena at a Glance

Reena Community Services Canada

Supports alignment and efficient operation across the Reena group of charities.

Batay Reena develops and manages properties for Reena. Reena provides inclusion and personal support services. Reena Foundation raises and distributes funds to support Reena and Batay Reena.

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2024 Financials

Assets: $130,789,851. Revenue: $81,861,751.


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Letter from our Executives

Dear Reena Friends and Family,

As we embark on another year in Reena’s journey, we are excited to share the progress and achievements that were made possible by your support. Our commitment to community strength, the recognition of our dedicated staff and families, and our vision for the future continue to guide us as we strive to create a more inclusive and compassionate world.

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Our VISION, guided by our prophetic tradition and embodying the concepts of Tzedek (justice/equity) and Kehilla (community), is a vision of what human life should be, concerned with the full enhancement of human, and above all, social life. Absent of community and personal respect, we can become isolated.

Our dedication to building a robust and supportive community has never been stronger. This year, after the terrorist attack on Israel, we reached out to our peer agencies in Israel to offer empathy and a supportive shoulder as they struggled to continue providing support for their individuals under impossible conditions. We held four province wide multiagency meetings that revealed some of the heartbreaking situations that people with developmental disabilities currently face and the impact on all Israelis of every faith and culture. We thank the 54 agencies who joined us in these sessions.

Reena continues to follow its values based on Hillel’s quote of, “if I am not for myself, who will be? If I am only for myself, what am I? And if not now, when?” By identifying the priority needs expressed by families and individuals, we continue to seek ways to improve ourselves and then make sure to help others do the same.

This year we have continued our priority work to help the Developmental Services sector through:

  • Quality Care: hosted in person and online training sessions to improve care provider skills,
  • Housing: we advocated nationally and locally, providing guidance and practical support to over 12 agencies in the last year
  • Health: We co-chair the provincial work group on developmental services, with a particular focus on mental health, where we are modelling best practices in transitional and supportive housing. This year, we played a key role in rolling out a national program supporting aging and dementia, leading a nationwide effort to educate and train others to meet the needs of our seniors.

These are just a few of the many leadership roles we have taken, including chairing the OASIS Business Resource Committee, co- chairing Western York Region Ontario Health team, chairing the Intentional Community Consortium, the expansion of GReena, setting new sustainability targets and modelling for others the benefits of developing a sustainability strategy, and so much more.

Advocacy and the New Frankfort Family Reena Residence

Over the past year, advocacy efforts have focused on increasing the housing supply for those with diverse abilities at all levels of government, with a particular emphasis on working with the provincial government and municipalities to include individuals with diverse abilities in their new building and funding programs. As founding and lead organization of the expanding Intentional Community Consortium, Reena has been directly assisting many developmental service organizations with their building plans. Advocacy has also included several speaking engagements, championing our positions to key stakeholders and hosting many visits to the Lou Fruitman Reena Residence by Ministers and elected officials at all levels of government on a frequent basis.

As a result of our advocacy work, we are delighted that the City of Toronto included the Frankfort Family Reena Residence as one of their projects with the Canadian Mortgage and Home Corporation (CMHC) for funding through the Rapid Housing Initiative. This led to the federal government and the City of Toronto announcing funding of almost $44M to ensure that the Frankfort Family Reena Residence would be built and provide 168 individuals with deeply affordable, supportive housing.

Our GReena initiative has seen tremendous progress through collaboration with local organizations, fostering environmental sustainability projects, creating healthier, greener spaces for everyone in our community to enjoy, and even developing the foundations to monetize some of the learned experiences of the hydroponic farm.


Reena continues to provide a variety of residential, community participation, mental health, aging, crisis supports, respite, social work, recreational, outreach, employment and camp programs.

Achievements and Progress

Our Community Participation programs provide meaningful daily activities for individuals both within Reena and the community. We also offer drop-in programs at multiple locations, with registration required. In addition, we have scheduled day programs at many community locations both north and south, including the Battle Centre, Sandy Keshen Reena Residence, Lou Fruitman Reena Residence, Beth Sholom Synagogue, Vaughan Road Academy, and Jewish Vocational Services (JVS).

Reena’s respite program continues to expand, with the adult respite unit at Lou Fruitman Reena Residence which opened in May 2024. The program currently supports 70 families and continues to add additional families to the roster.

Reena’s residential programs continue to offer unique, specialized and innovative living environments to many individuals. This includes our Intentional Community apartments, elder homes, and specially designed homes for individuals with behavioural challenges. This year we have embarked on a new challenge; to support individuals with dual diagnosis who have been living at CAMH without ability to move back to live in their communities. This intensive project is a collaborative effort between many teams from various organizations.

Quality Assurance

Reena’s commitment to quality and continuous improvement is demonstrated through Accreditation and MCCSS compliance.

In 2024, Reena was awarded a 4-year re-accreditation by FOCUS Accreditation, recognizing its adherence to the 2023 FOCUS Accreditation Standards. This achievement was made possible by the collaborative efforts of all Reena stakeholders who contributed through documentation, surveys, interviews and site visits, demonstrating Reena’s commitment to quality and continuous improvement.

In August 2023, Reena was successful in its annual MCCSS compliance.

Following the successful implementation of our “Beyond 20/20” strategic plan, Reena is now looking ahead to our next chapter of growth and innovation. We are excited to announce that we have initiated the planning process for our upcoming strategic plan for 2025-2030. As we embark on this new journey, we look forward to engaging with our stakeholders and the broader community to shape a strategic vision that will take Reena into the future.

Vision for the Future

Looking ahead, we are filled with a sense of mixed emotions. On the one hand are the aspirations and hope articulated in the vision of our government’s “Journey to Belonging”, with its focus on choice and belonging. On the other hand we watch as access and affordability for housing, health services and day supports becomes more challenging.

No matter the changes or pressures, Reena remains steadfast in our commitment to build and support inclusive communities where those with disabilities feel supported and safe.

Our strength as a community lies in our mutual responsibility and care for one another, especially for those who are most vulnerable. Through our collective efforts, we will continue to build a brighter future for all.

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Thank you for your steadfast support and dedication to our mission.

With gratitude,

Wendy Bellack Viner image

Wendy Bellack Viner

Chair of the Board, Reena

Marnie Silver Nelson  image

Marnie Silver Nelson

Chair of the Board, Reena Foundation

Harold Seidel image

Harold Seidel

Chair of the Board, Batay Reena

Bryan Keshen image

Bryan Keshen

Chief Executive Officer

Sandy Stemp image

Sandy Stemp

Chief Operating Officer

Viji Hariharan image

Viji Hariharan

Chief Financial Officer

Sheila Lampert image

Sheila Lampert

Executive Director, Reena Foundation

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We Are Reena

  • Serving individuals with autism, mental health challenges, and other developmental disabilities for 50 years.
  • The 4th largest service provider in Ontario
  • The 2nd largest provider of care beds in the Jewish community after Baycrest
  • Providing housing, programs and respite services to over 1,000 individuals
  • An operating budget in excess of $74 million
  • Over 870 employees
  • Volunteers contributed 812 service hours in the last year (April 2023-March 2024), supporting Reena programs and individuals
  • Helping individuals secure employment in the community through job placement and coaching

Our Staff 2024

Full time staff: 536. Part time staff: 337.

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Financial Summary 2024

Year ended March 31, 2024

Assets: $81,454,053

Liabilities: $76,574,087

Fund Balance: $4,879,996

Revenue: $74,345,879

Expenses: $74,518,927

Deficiency of revenue over expenses for the year: ($173,048)

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By the Numbers

Reena is a sector leader in housing development and innovative solutions with:


133 Supported Independent Living beds


6 long-term care home partnerships


A leading role in the Intentional Community Consortium of 36 organizations across Ontario and Quebec advocating for increased housing and supports for those with developmental disabilities.


2 existing Intentional Community Residences (Sandy Keshen Reena Residence & Lou Fruitman Reena Residence) and a third residence being built – Frankfort Family Reena Residence.


32 Group Homes including specialized homes for vulnerable women, seniors and people with complex behavioural challenges.

Housing: Providing specialized care in our inclusive community of group homes and Supported Living facilities. In 2020: 411 capacity. In 2024: 523 capacity.

Outreach/Respite: Building life and social skills through recreational programming and offering a safe and supportive environment where individuals can learn and flourish. In 2020: 68 capacity. In 2024: 182 individuals (114 outreach and 68 respite).

Supported Independent Living (SIL) has 133 beds—86 in Toronto and 47 in York Region. The residents are 59% male, 41% female. 0% are Children (under the age of 18), 0% are Young Adults (18-24), 10% are Early Adults (25-35), 35% are Middle Adults (36-49), and 55% are Older Adults (50+). 33% of the Older Adults are between the ages of 50-64 and 22% are 65+.

Congregate Care has 34 locations. Residents are 62% male and 38% female. Residents are less than 1% Children (under the age of 18), 4% Young Adults (18-24), 22% Early Adults (25-35), 22% Middle Adults (36-49), and 51% Older Adults (51%). 26% of the Older Adults are between the ages of 50-64, and 25% are 65+.

Congregate Care: a shared living environment where multiple vulnerable individuals, typically unrelated, reside and receive care, support, or supervision.

Residences by Age Category: 21 Adult, 2 Elder, 1 Child.

Residence Type: 1 Enhanced SIL, 2 Intentional Community, 8 Multiplex, 24 Single-Family Homes.

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Community Participation

Community Participation Support Programs for 2024 and Beyond

Reena continues its preparation for the Ministry’s Journey to Belonging plan, for all the individuals we support; we remain dedicated to offering a variety of customized opportunities through our Community Participation programs.

Our community participation services (CPS) provides meaningful daily activities for individuals both within Reena and the community. We offer drop-in programs at multiple locations, with registration required. In addition, we have scheduled day programs at many community locations both north and south, including the Battle Centre, Sandy Keshen Reena Residence, Lou Fruitman Reena Residence, Beth Sholom Synagogue, Vaughan Road Academy, and Jewish Vocational Services (JVS).

Programming at Reena is organized into 3 streams: exercise and nutrition, life skills and creative arts: including drama; dance and music; all tailored to individual needs. Participants also enjoy programming at the Reena Community Farm. Through this opportunity, our individuals acquire valuable new skills and build meaningful relationships.

The “Health Matters” initiative promotes health and wellness for all ages, emphasizing that a healthy lifestyle can start at any age and lead to a long life. In addition, Club Simcha and the Bagel Club are specifically run to support individuals with mental wellness needs.

Another opportunity we offer is volunteering within the community. Through this opportunity, valuable skills are learnt as well as new relationships built. Reena also provides employment opportunities through Channels and our Fee For Service Employment Supports. By joining Channels, individuals can develop critical skills and benefit from job coaching, interview preparation, job retention through this year-long program.

Lastly, in its 12th year, our Summer Employment Transition (SET) program is designed to assess whether high school graduates are prepared to enter the workforce.

We continue to grow and expand our opportunities for the individuals we serve. Contact our intake department to learn more.

2020: 253 Individuals

2024: 339 Individuals (115 day, 150 drop in, 74 employment)

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Community Participation Programs At Reena: The New Model

At its core, this evolved model aims to enhance the quality of life for our individuals while prioritizing their personal preferences when seeking support services. This endeavor led to the establishment of a new role: Full-Time Program Facilitator.

We subsequently recruited six Program Facilitators who, over the past nine months, have diligently designed and implemented customized programming tailored to the unique needs of each individual, both within their residences and in-person.

Our Drop-In programs are held at prominent venues such as the Toby and Henry Battle Developmental Centre, Lou Fruitman Reena Residence, Schwartz Reisman Centre, Sandy Keshen Reena Residence, and Beth Sholom Synagogue.

Additionally, we’ve introduced a Fee for Service job coaching support program that currently assists seven individuals in securing paid positions through Channels North and residential placements, with an additional four intakes in progress. Concurrently, we maintain our commitment to initiatives like the “Summer Employment Transition,” Channels North and South referrals and our residential programs.

In our steadfast commitment to progress, Reena remains dedicated to accommodating the evolving needs of our individuals ensuring that their life experiences are enriched with diverse opportunities encompassing activities, volunteer engagement, employment prospects and innovative combinations tailored to individual preferences.

Our journey continues as we endeavour to provide meaningful and transformative experiences for those who entrust Reena with their well-being and development.

View our Community Participation Programs page to learn more!

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Reena Community Farm’s Annual Report

Now in its fourth season, Reena Community Farm has expanded its reach to include 25 Reena Group homes, 2 Intentional Communities, 7 Unique Supported Independent Living locations, and 10 Neighbourhood Partners.

Each location is cultivating a variety of vegetables including: beans, cucumbers, eggplants, peppers, tomatoes, and zucchini—embracing the principle of “Eating What They Grow”.

Our revenue-generating vegetable cultivation continues to thrive at both the Crestwood Megafarm and Battle Centre Hydroponic Farm. The latter has achieved a remarkable milestone, reaching a capacity of 324 plants per week at full production.

In 2023, Reena’s Lou Fruitman Reena Residence became part of a York Region waste stream benchmark for multi-residential units. Reena’s Lou Fruitman Reena Residence “diversion rate” was above the York Region Multi-Residential average. The benchmark also provided improvement guidance on “contamination rate”. This achievement underscores our commitment to sustainable practices and environmental responsibility.

View our GReena page to learn more!

Accreditation, Compliance and Respite

FOCUS Accreditation:

Reena Inc was awarded a 4-year re-accreditation, from February 2024-February 2028. This decision was based on meeting the requirements with the new 2023 FOCUS Accreditation Standards. However, the success of this achievement lies with the collaborative effort of all Reena stakeholders who participated in providing documents, completing surveys, interviews and site visits to provide evidence of Reena’s commitment to quality and improvement. We are currently and will continue to work on addressing gaps and recommendations through our Quality Improvement Plan.


In August 2023, Reena was successful in its annual MCCSS compliance. Reena remains in compliance with the Services and Supports to Promote the Social Inclusion of Persons with Developmental Disabilities Act, 2008 (SIPDDA) and is looking forward to the next compliance inspection.

Respite Program:

Reena’s respite program continues its significant expansion, marked by the opening of The Les & Kae Martin Foundation Respite Suite at the Lou Fruitman Reena Residence in May 2024. This adult respite unit is already making a substantial impact, currently supporting 70 families, with plans to extend services to additional families in the coming months.

In addition to these efforts, Reena is proud to be part of Tourism Toronto’s initiative, “Relax. Recharge. Renew.” This initiative offers Toronto families a fully paid weekend getaway for parents at a hotel while their family member enjoys a respite-supported weekend at Reena. This service provides much-needed relaxation for caregivers, knowing their loved ones are in excellent hands.

With the support of the Les & Kae Martin Charitable Foundation and other generous donors, Reena is also preparing to open a second suite designed to support families with complex medical needs. This specialized suite will operate multiple times throughout the year, offering vital care and respite to medically fragile individuals.

Our children’s respite program remains a cornerstone of our services. We continue collaborating closely with community partners, ensuring every child experiences a smooth and comprehensive transition and is set up for long-term success.

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Health & Mental Health

Reena: Health Matters

Recognizing the pivotal role of physical and mental health in enhancing their quality of life, Reena prioritized the holistic well-being of individuals with developmental disabilities and in 2020 Reena made a strategic decision to seek out ways to improve health outcomes for those we support and work with.

That strategic vision was driven by the gap in health outcomes we were noticing for adults with developmental disabilities. Our comprehensive programs and services ensure both physical and mental wellness are at the forefront of not only our services, but a focus of provincial leadership in and outside of the sector.

Leadership In Ontario Health Teams (OHT)

When the province announced the development of OHTs, Reena sought out partnerships and was given a leadership role within the Western York Region OHT, exemplified by Bryan Keshen’s co-chair position. This leadership role ensures the effective representation and intersectoral collaboration, enhancing integrated care for individuals with developmental disabilities and was the doorway to impacting provincial COVID-19 response and support for our sector.

As a result, Ontario was one of the leading jurisdictions in reducing deaths and illness in the disability sector. Reena, along with Ziv Har-Gil, Reena’s Health Projects Manager, is leading the Provincial Network (PN) committee. The committee has set a vision and published a white paper aimed at improving provincial outcomes.

The key areas of focus include…

Mental Health Services: Chai Tikvah Program

Reena through our integration with Chai-tikvah became a new funded health provider, bringing us into new conversations and opening pathways for more integrated services in mental health.

Under the umbrella of Chai-Tikvah, Reena provides essential mental health services through supportive housing for adults. These homes accommodate up to sixteen individuals and offer 24/7 staff support, enabling residents to live independently and thrive.

As our commitment to mental health deepens—particularly for those with dual diagnoses of mental health challenges and developmental disabilities—we have collaborated with CAMH and received government support. Together, we’ve developed initiatives that transition individuals from hospital settings to community-based care, offering comprehensive and tailored support for complex mental health needs.

Visit the Chai-Tikvah Website to learn more.

Supporting Aging Individuals With Dementia And Developmental Disabilities

For over two decades, Reena has been a pioneer in addressing the intersection of aging and dementia among people with developmental disabilities. Our recent collaboration with the National Task Group Canadian Consortium resulted in the groundbreaking “Canadian Guide for Community Care and Supports for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities Affected by Dementia”. This initiative, funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada, spans multiple provinces and underscores our dedication to inclusive, independent living for this vulnerable population.

In alignment with Canada’s National Dementia Strategy, this guide provides essential information and important resources. It not only enhances the quality of dementia-capable services but also addresses the unique challenges faced by adults with developmental disabilities and their families.

2nd International Summit On Intellectual Disabilities And Dementia

In October 2023, Reena hosted the second International Summit on Intellectual Disability and Dementia, focusing on human rights and equity, neurodiverse conditions and brain health. Experts from Europe and North America convened to advance clinical knowledge and research in the field.

These initiatives underscore Reena’s dedication to promoting inclusivity, independence, and well-being for individuals with developmental disabilities. By leveraging leadership in OHTs, providing unique projects and programs on mental health and dementia care, Reena continues to shape the future of developmental disability services on a national and global scale.

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Reena’s Supported Employment Programs and Services for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities

Our new job coaching support service is geared for those individuals with a developmental disability and/or dual diagnosis who are job ready and looking for paid employment in the competitive job market. The service offers 1:1 job coaching
supports that include: identifying a suitable career/job path, career exploration, applying for jobs, securing job interviews, as well as paid employment in the workforce with on-site job coaching supports for retention.

Further, the job coach will continue to check in to follow up with the individual and employer, problem-solve as required and will be instrumental in helping the individual with career advancement on the job.

For more information, please contact Joanna Samuels, Employment Supervisor at jsamuels@reena.org | (905) 889.6484 ext 2112.

Learn more about our Employment Programs

Reena’s Summer Employment Transition (SET) Program

SET is a supported employment program operating during the summer months for high school students, referred from the YRDSB and YCDSB special education stream teachers, identified with a developmental/intellectual disability, including Autism. It is designed for students who wish to build their job search/workplace skills and gain paid summer employment in the competitive labour market. Participants are supported by the SET job coaches to secure the job as well as keep it through on-site coaching at the workplace to navigate the challenges of being employed.

SET operates as a hybrid program (in-person and virtual) in the York region including Thornhill, Richmond Hill, Markham and Maple. Participants must be referred by their teacher and be currently enrolled in the YRDSB or the YCDSB.

For more information, please contact:

Joanna Samuels, SET Supervisor

Reena Employment Zone

With support from the Reena Foundation, the Azrieli Foundation, and the Robbins Family Foundation, the Battle Centre Greenhouse was transformed into a packaging centre for leafy greens from the Reena Hydroponic Farm and other products from the Ontario Food Terminal. The Kosher Kitchen, leased by La Briut, and the packaging centre, leased by Pure Greens, generate revenue for Reena through market leases. They also offer training and paid employment opportunities for Reena individuals and enhance Reena’s visibility on store shelves with Kosher products packaged in the Reena Employment Zone.

For more information, please contact:

Fred Winegust – Project Specialist, Reena Community Farm and Employment Zone

Channels Community Participation Program

Channels is a full-service community participation program for independent adults ages 18+ with a developmental disability and/or dual diagnosis. The program offers a variety of social, vocational skills training, recreational and life skills programs.

This is a fee for service program highlighting: volunteering in the community, community outings; special guests; and creative programming. There are two locations: Channels North at the Sandy Keshen Reena Residence & Channels South at the Wolfond Centre.

For more information, please contact:

Intake Social Worker
(905) 889.2690 x2201

Pathways Community Participation Program

Pathways is a community-based program for adults over 18+ with developmental disabilities and dual diagnosis. The program focuses on fostering independence and building friendships through social and recreational programming, life skills training including volunteering opportunities in the community to build participants’ vocational and job readiness skills. This is a fee-for-service program.

There are two locations: Pathways North at the Reena Community Residence & Pathways South at the University of Toronto Campus.

For more information, please contact:

Intake Social Worker
(905) 889.2690 x2201

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Eden’s Story

“He is the cherry on the top of my cake,” says Yaniv Tamsout, Eden’s father, at the beginning of our recent conversation when we sat down to reflect on Eden’s journey at Reena. “Eden loves his routines and is very easy to please; he enjoys music and is thrilled to go to the local park, which we do almost every day between 6 and 8 pm. This is his happy place”.

Eden is 29 years old, born with a rare heart defect and a developmental disability. His father shared that Eden requires significant care and constant support due to his complex needs and unique challenges associated with his condition. Eden has two younger siblings, Eldan 25 and Hailey 22, who are taking part in his care and enjoy spending time with him.

As a young boy, Eden attended Kayla’s Children Centre (KCC), formerly Zareinu, in Vaughan and graduated at 21. “Eden is a gentle soul and while being non-verbal, we need to pay close attention to him and his gestures; we have become better throughout the years,” Yaniv elaborates. “Once Eden reached 21, we looked for the next opportunity for him to be in a structured environment and Reena’s name came up. Like Reena, we are part of the Thornhill community and the decision to attend Reena’s programs made perfect sense for us.

In the mid-2010s, the Tamsout family took advantage of the available Passport funding and the ODSP payments to help transition from the school system to Reena. Eden is enjoying some of the Community Participation programs and the occasional Respite Services that Reena manages for a growing number of families.

“Eden is constantly looking for our company and attention,” adds Yaniv. “Even when he is watching his favourite TV shows, whether in English or Hebrew, he is looking to make eye contact, as if he wants to say, “Sit here with me and watch the show.”

Routine is one thing Eden loves. He loves to be familiar with his activities and the repetition element that comes with it. That is why he enjoys attending Reena’s programs and seeing his peers.

“If I could provide feedback to new families who are considering joining the Reena family, I would strongly suggest being an advocate for your child,” Yaniv says. “A family knows their child best, and that information needs to be conveyed to the agency’s staff to support your child better. We have done so ourselves and are happy to see Eden’s progress at Reena.”

As the Tamsout family looks to the future, their hearts fill with hope and determination. They remain committed to supporting Eden and are confident in their strong partnership with Reena. Their journey is a testament to the power of love, advocacy, and community and the steadfast belief that every individual’s potential shines brightly with the right support.

Stay In Touch

Reena Inc.

Toby & Henry Battle Developmental Centre
927 Clark Avenue West, Thornhill, ON L4J 8G6
e. info@reena.org
t. (905) 889.6484
f. (905) 889.3827


Batay Reena

315 – 1 Promenade Circle, Thornhill, ON L4J 4P8
e. batay@reena.org
t. (905) 763.8254, ext. 3027
f. (905) 763.8272

To learn about our upcoming events or to make a donation, please contact:

Reena Foundation

313C – 1 Promenade Circle, Thornhill, ON L4J 4P8
e. info@reenafoundation.org
t. (905) 763.8254
w. reenafoundation.org

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